Virtual Clinic for Umps Care
Was Held on Wednesday, February 16, 2022An evening of continuing umpire education and fellowship…
Did you miss the live event … you can still experience this great event. Register and make a minimum donation of $25 to UMPS CARE Charities. You’ll receive a special code to access the “Extra Innings” replay!
Supporting UMPS CARE Charities
A Special Umpire Virtual Mechanics Event
Helping Others is an Easy Call
In partnership with Mid-Atlantic Collegiate, United Umpires hosts a special Umpire Virtual Mechanics Event in support of UMPS CARE Charities.
Please join us for an evening of continuing umpire education and fellowship on Wednesday, February 16, 8:00-10:00 PM EST. More importantly, join us and help UMPS CARE bring more smiles and baseball magic to kids and families!
Learn More About UMPS CARE Charities
We are enthusiastic about supporting UMP CARE Charities and their programs, making the lives of families and children better. View this short video to learn more about their programs and those they help.
Instructors from the United/MAC Joint Training Program, led by Brian deBrauwere and Gabe Morales, will direct meaningful virtual learning through thoughtful and detailed mechanics analysis. Practical education for umpires at all levels – from travel to high school through collegiate baseball.
Register today! The ticket price for this event is $25. However, you may donate any amount above your ticket price to help us raise as much as we can. All proceeds from the event will support UMPS CARE Charities.
Helping people is an easy call!
Our Virtual Mechanics Instructors
About UMPS Care
UMPS CARE Charities was founded through the compassion of Major League Baseball (MLB) umpires. UMPS CARE provides financial, in-kind, and emotional support for America’s youth and families in need.
Founded in 2006, UMPS CARE provides VIP experiences to participants from youth-based organizations and military families, visits to pediatric hospitals (complete with Build-A-Bear furry friends), and college scholarships. In addition, UMPS CARE supports families facing financial needs within the baseball community.
Registrations & Donations to Our Event Supports
Ticket Program: provide VIP experiences to underserved families and youth, children battling illness, kids in foster care, and military families
Hospital Program: deliver smiles and a Build-A-Bear workshop experience and activity bags to patients at children’s hospitals across the country
Scholarship Program: help youth adopted late in life achieve their dreams of going to college with funding and mentorship from a major league umpire
Official Leadership Program: supports the next generation of umpiring through a program that offers umpire skills and leadership training, helping address diversity and equity on the baseball field while offering skills for direct employment for high school youth
Family Care Program: established to provide short-term financial assistance to baseball umpires who have fallen on hard times